新澳门六合彩开奖结果 Front Entrance

Applied Music Program Requirements

In each semester of the 2-year program, students must be enrolled in the following:

  • Music 181-184: Applied Music I-IV
  • Music 250-1 through 250-4: Music Performance Workshop I-IV
  • Performance Ensemble: Music 501, 561, 721, 745, and 775

In addition, students must be concurrently enrolled in or have completed the following:

  • Music Theory/Aural Skills sequence: MUS 200-203 and MUS 211-213
  • Class Piano sequence for Piano Proficiency requirement: MUS 321-324 (Piano majors will also need to take MUS 341-1 through MUS 341-4)
  • Music History sequence: MUS 121-122
  • Music Notation: Sibelius Fundamentals MUS 248

Students must practice on campus for a minimum of five hours per week.

This form explains what is expected of both the Applied student and Private Teacher at your private lessons. At your first lesson, you must both sign and date this form. Please make a copy for yourself and submit the original to Dr. Nagatani immediately. This form, as well as all other forms discussed below, can be found on the Forms link under Applied Music.

You must submit a monthly record of all lessons taken with your Private Teacher. It must be signed by you and your teacher and must be turned in to Dr. Nagatani after the last lesson of each month.

Two Student Progress Reports are due during the semester. The first is due at the end of the eighth week of classes. The second is due at the end of the term no later than the last regular day of class. Reports are to be completed, signed and submitted to Dr. Nagatani by your Private Teacher. However, he/she may ask you to submit them for you. DO NOT FAIL TO SUBMIT THESE FORMS OR YOU WILL FAIL THE COURSE.

Students will be expected to meet the minimum performance requirements in each semester of Applied Music. Instrumentalists must perform in at least two student recitals per semester, and vocalists must perform in at least three.

Applied Music students will be expected to perform on at least two or three student recitals each semester. You should discuss repertoire for the recital with your Private Teacher and it is your responsibility to prepare it for performance. The recital performance must not exceed six minutes in length. PLEASE DRESS APPROPRIATELY. Your grade will be based on musicianship, poise and appearance. All student recitals are on Wednesdays at noon.

You must fill out a Recital Application Form, approved and signed by your Private Teacher, and turn it in to Dr. Nagatani at least ONE WEEK prior to the student recital date. However, due to the large number of student performers, it is strongly recommended to turn in your forms two or even three weeks early to ensure a space in the recital. Please make sure that you print all required information clearly and accurately.

As an Applied student, you will be given free admission to most 新澳门六合彩开奖结果 sponsored concerts, and you must sign in at the door to receive grade credit for your concert attendance. You are expected to attend all concerts given by 新澳门六合彩开奖结果's large ensembles (choral and band), as well as all student and faculty recitals and guest artist performances each semester.

All Applied Music students will be expected to perform for a jury at the end of each semester. This is the equivalent of a Final Exam. In the jury, you will be able to demonstrate your progress and improvement in technique, musicianship and repertoire for a panel of music professors. The jury sign-up sheet will be posted on Dr. Nagatani's door during the second last week of classes. Each jury will be ten minutes, and will usually consist of your performing a song/piece of your choice, followed by one or two others at the panel's request. Instrumentalists may also have to perform scales and arpeggios. All music must be memorized.

On the Applied Music Jury Form, fill out the appropriate information at the top, then make three photocopies of the form, to be submitted to the panel at the beginning of your jury.