Publications & Forms

Student Forms

California College Promise Grant (CCPG) Application

This is an application to waive your enrollment fees. This FEE WAIVER is available to California residents and students who meet AB 540 eligibility. If you need money to help with books, supplies, food, rent, transportation, and other costs, please complete a immediately.

We recommend that you file the FAFSA or, if you meet AB 540 eligibility, the California Dream Act Application to be considered for additional monies.

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Student Publications

  • :  Comprehensive guide to understanding Financial Aid 2023-2024 (PDF)
  • Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP): ,
  • (PDF)

Additional Forms

Maintaining Eligibility for the CCPG (Formerly the BOG Fee Waiver)*

Students who are eligible for the CA College Promise Grant (CCPG) may lose their eligibility if they fail to sustain a CGPA of 2.0 or higher and/or complete more than 50 percent of their coursework. If a student鈥檚 cumulative GPA falls below 2.0 for two consecutive primary terms (fall and/or spring), the student is placed on academic probation. If the cumulative number of units completed is not more than 50 percent in two consecutive primary terms, the student is placed on progress probation.

Academic: Maintain a CGPA of 2.0 or higher

Progress: Complete more than 50% of coursework successfully (cumulative)

Any combination of two consecutive primary terms of academic and/or progress probation may result in loss of fee waiver eligibility.

Once academic standards have been determined, the student can lose eligibility for the CCPG for all terms including Winter and/or Summer, not just primary terms (Fall and/or Spring).

*Foster youth and former foster youth are not subject to the loss of the CCPG under these regulations.

How to regain eligibility?

If you lose eligibility for the California College Promise Grant (BOG Fee Waiver), there are a few ways that you can have it reinstated:

  • Improve your GPA or Course Completion measures to meet the academic and progress standards
  • Successful appeal regarding extenuating circumstances
  • Not attending your school district for two consecutive primary terms (fall/spring semesters, or fall/winter/spring quarters)

The appeals process for extenuating circumstances includes:

  • Verified accidents, illness or other circumstances beyond your control
  • Changes in economic situation
  • Evidence of inability to obtain essential support services
  • Special consideration factors for CalWORKs, EOPS, AAC and veteran students
  • Disability accommodations not received in a timely manner

How to appeal Loss of CCPG?

  • Complete the Loss of Enrollment Priority and College Promise Grant form
  • Submit a typed statement explaining the basis of your appeal and required documentation for your specific situation
  • Provide a copy of your current Comprehensive Student Educational Plan (CSEP)

Once everything has been completed, you will need to:

  • Email all documentation to @email or
  • Submit all required documents to the Student Services Department (E1-213) or the Admissions & Records Office (E1-105)

For additonal questions, you may call the Student Services Department at 323-265-8777.