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Sexual Assault Awareness Violence Education Team

Family Violence

What is it?

Family violence is a term that includes many types of abuse, mistreatment, or neglect. It can happen in family relationships, as well as to people who are dependent on their family members (such as a child, older adult, or dependent adult).

Is Family Violence Happening in My Family?

Have any of the following happened to you or someone in your family?

  • Physical Abuse
    Using physical force in a way that injures someone, or puts them at risk of being injured including beating, hitting, shaking, pushing, choking, biting, burning, kicking or assaulting with a weapon; rough handling, confinement, dangerous or harmful use of force or restraint.
  • Sexual abuse and/or exploitation
    All forms of sexual assault, sexual harassment, or sexual exploitation; forcing a person to participate in any unwanted, unsafe or degrading sexual activity; using ridicule or other tactics to try to denigrate, control or limit a person's sexuality or reproductive choices; using a child for sexual purposes-including fondling, inviting, manipulating or forcing a child to engage in sexual activity or intercourse; rape, sodomy or exhibitionism; involving a child in prostitution or pornography.
  • Neglect
    Failing to provide what a child or dependent adult requires for his or her physical, psychological or emotional development and well-being; failing to provide or denying food, clothing, shelter, cleanliness, medical care, protection from harm, or a sense of being valued and loved.
  • Emotional abuse
    Harming a person's sense of self and putting them at risk of serious behavioral, cognitive, emotional or mental disorders; attacking a person verbally - for example, by yelling, screaming, name calling, criticizing, threatening or intimidating; using criticism, verbal threats, social isolation, intimidation or exploitation to dominate someone; routinely making unreasonable demands; criminally harassing or "stalking"- which may include threatening a person or their loved ones, damaging their possessions or harming their pets; terrorizing a person; exposing a child to family violence.
  • Economic or financial abuse
    Stealing from or defrauding someone; withholding money to buy food or medical treatment; manipulating or exploiting someone for financial gain; denying access to financial resources; preventing a person from working, or controlling their choice of occupation.
  • Spiritual abuse
    Using physical force in a way that injures someone, or puts them at risk of being injured including beating, hitting, shaking, pushing, choking, biting, burning, kicking or assaulting with a weapon; rough handling, confinement, dangerous or harmful use of force or restraint.

Even if you said yes to ONLY ONE of the above behaviors, but it has happened with any frequency, this is a sign that you or a loved one may be in danger. Click here to find out how to get help for family violence.


Domestic Violence Awareness Month October 2022

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Phone: (323) 780-6754